Thursday, September 8, 2011

Louis Vuitton - How to identify fake Louis Vuitton handbags

Louis Vuitton handbag is a well-known manufacturer of relentless innovation, has a terrible range. It is to achieve mass market, because of its high price tag. This is precisely the legitimate replica handbags and not so legitimate fakes to thrive, and tear up their precious money gullible buyers of reasons. In addition, Louis Vuitton is also famous for accessories, prominent in Hollywood to win.
By the way, clones and replicas is plaguing the Louis Vuitton threat to the market. The company has taken a number of technical and legal measures to curb. Louis Vuitton handbags indicted for allegedly selling clone its $ 6 USD € 61,000 of damage to consider the different parts of the enterprise - € 75,000 depending on the extent of damage. But the question is, how your buyers can protect themselves to be deceived. Of course, cloning and fake your first line of defense is to buy from an authorized store, which is the official website of the Louis Vuitton list.
However, it is to pay a telltale mark inspection; Although this list is a very basic, it is the starting block is used to identify genuine Louis Vuitton handbag bag clone or copy.
First check whether a handbag is fake, checked the price tag. If the price is based on the cost of its stores in half the authorization, then it is false. Genuine Louis Vuitton bags sold retail and the cost of only 1,500 yuan. So, you know of any $ 75 or $ 150 for sale, it must be false. Even second-hand bags do not really sell this ridiculous price, because why would the owner want to sell it, he can hold it until the model is withdrawn, he can make big time money.
Louis Vuitton, the arrival of the printed label is never blue number. This is a warning signal to avoid if you stay away from it. The number of sellers seem to think that will be left to convince the buyer strange, the original is not even such a thing.
In addition to printing the number of labels, an extra large flag, if a handbag is fake or real deal is over, giving the appearance of a cheap plastic wrap. I'm not saying, Louis Vuitton handbags not handle the plastic packaging, but you can always tell the quality of plastic. Some new bags plastic cover, but no resale bag. Bag or use a display of works, then you should not find a plastic cover all. Louis Vuitton has never been as wholesale business, you may want to ask the seller where he got the bag, if you still see the plastic cover treatment.
Another obvious telltale clues around the hardware of the paper packaging material to protect it. You can even pick some of the rivets around the paper, which is very funny to.

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